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Dear Visitor,

Thank you for visiting my website!

I am running for the SCV Water Agency because I believe that managing our water supply is one of the most critical issues facing the Santa Clarita Valley and California as a whole.

As a board member, I will advocate for increased transparency and visibility in decision-making processes. Leveraging my expertise in technology and relationship management, I will work towards enhancing SCV Water's resource management to benefit the public.

I value your input and encourage you to reach out to me through this website, email, or Facebook. I am always available to listen to your concerns and ideas. Please take the time to learn more about my background and priorities here on the website.

I kindly request your support and appreciate your confidence and your vote. Thank you for your consideration.

Warm regards,

Stacy Fortner
Valencia Resident



Paid for by Stacy Fortner for Santa Clarita Water Agency 2020   FPPC ID# 1427901

Committee to Elect Stacy Fortner
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